Production Design

Thunder Force (Netflix Feature Film)

 thunder force - netflix feature film

(July-September 2019)

Below are scale models of Sets that were built for Thunder Force (Directed by Ben Falcone)

emily’s compound (1/4” scale)

Above is a white, 1/4” scale model of Emily’s Compound in Thunder Force. The model was entirely constructed out of foam core, basswood, and bristol board.

nice building (1/4” scale model)

Above is full color paper model of the Nice Building set in Thunder Force. The model was made from foam core, chip board, polycarbonate, acetate, printed textures, and black artists tape

franks diner-before damage (1/4” scale model)

1/4” scale model of Franks Diner, made from foam core, chipboard, and acetate. The store front is removable to be swapped for a damaged store front.

franks diner-after damage (1/4” scale model)

1/4” scale model of Franks Diner, made from foam core, chipboard, and acetate. The store front is removable to be swapped for an undamaged store front.

frank’s diner-after damage (3/4” scale model)

3/4” scale model of the front of Frank’s Diner after damage. The construction department requested a larger model of this specific set in order to better understand how to fabricate the damaged set.