Production Design



Hell at 25,000 Feet


"Hell at 25,000 Feet" is an acrylic painting I made my senior year of high school to commemorate my grandfather's service into 95th Bomb Group during World War Two. This painting was specifically about the raid where they attacked Brunswick on February 10, 1944. 

Original Pattern


This painting was created as my first project for my design 100 class at SCAD. The objective was to understand the relationship between positive and negative space, and how this relates to the design of a pattern . The white space consists of a B-17 Flying Fortress Silhouette with a distinguished flying cross below. The black is simply a stylistic pattern created by the negative space of the white. This was painted with black and white gouache. 

Color Match


This was my first assignment for my color theory class. I had to color match 3D objects (the scale figures) to a 2D, printed background. The colors were mixed with white, black, yellow, blue, and red acrylics. There are three figures glued down. Can you find them all?